Q: What is the sleeping situation like?
A: There are four villages at camp: one village has cabins with attached bathrooms, & the other three villages have separate but central washhouse facilities. All villages have electricity; bathroom facilities have electricity, hot & cold running water, individual shower stalls, and flush toilets.
Q: Can I call &/or Visiting Camp?
A: Since many child(ren) need a period of time to adjust to camp, we’ve found that phone calls & visits from parents/guardians during the brief time that child(ren) are at camp tend to make that adjustment more difficult. Therefore, child(ren) are not allowed to make or receive phone calls while at camp or on trips. However, please feel free to call your child(ren)’s Village Director or the Camp Director at 573-637-2476 at any time to discuss your child(ren)’s experience while they are at camp.
Q: My child has daily meds, what do we do?
A: In our health lodge we employ two registered nurses, a graduate nurse, three student nurses & occasionally an EMT. They will administer all medications to your child.
Q: What is a typical day like at camp?
A: To view our Mini Camp, Explorer & Leadership Schedules, click here.
Q: Will we get a health form to complete?
A: Health form will be sent out in March & April. Physical & or behavioral diagnoses do not automatically disqualify your child(ren) from attending camp, however, we will want & need to discuss how these diagnoses may impact your child(ren)’s camp experience.