Throughout this fall, Supports for Success (S4S) program participants have been meeting up in the Great Outdoors for group hikes and “Walk & Talks” with our staff! Being in the camp off-season, everyone has been taking advantage of gorgeous greenspaces closer to St. Louis, such as Forest Park and Greensfelder Park.

“Walking is so rhythmic, it’s one of the best things we can do as a group to connect to the present, enjoy each other’s company, and talk it out,” shares S4S Program Manager, Emily Mess.

This past October at Forest Park, 10th-12th graders got together and to discuss what “Success” means to everyone individually. Conversations like this are incredibly valuable, so S4S Program Coordinator, Tiffany, has created a word cloud that will help inform programming decisions moving forward.

The hikes included many of our recent high school graduates home from college for the holidays and it was great to reconnect and catch up. The group reminded us all that with a bit of layering up for warmth, you can still get out into nature in the colder months to take care of your well-being and stay connected with each other. It’s been so enjoyable, Supports for Success aims to offer monthly outdoor gathering!